
September 3, 2006


Filed under: Misc — Ren @ 9:36 pm

Wow, was my last post really in May? O_O. How time flies…

I really want to pick up blogging again because I sure have missed it, but I’m not sure if I’ll continue to do things like I used to. I think a few changes are in order so I don’t feel overwhelmed and unmotivated.

Anyway, a big hello to all my fellow bloggers. I’ve missed you guys too!

More posts coming soon! (hopefully)

6 Responses to “Ummm…”

  1. Hinano Says:

    XD check out the main AB domain theres like 10 new blogs!!

  2. Mentar Says:

    Hey there, nice to see you back ;)

    To celebrate your return, I suggest you have a look at the latest chapters of the Suzuka manga. Honoka-megamisama returned with new fashion tips!

  3. Ten Says:

    You’re back! You’re back! I think I’ll do the happy dance.

    Looking forward to your posts!! =D

  4. Ren Says:

    What a wonderful welcome! It inspires me to write… tomorrow because I am going to sleep now.

    *hugs Ten* Tennn, do you love Prince of Tennis by any chance? I have recently become addicted to it. >_

  5. maya Says:

    Welcome Back, Ren! I kept checking back to see whether you’ve written a post, and I’m so glad you’re finally going to continue blogging. Your presence has been greatly missed around here. :)

  6. Stripey Says:

    Wah great to see you back, Ren! :) Just in time for Fall series too.

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