
August 1, 2005

Leaving on a jet plane..

Filed under: Misc — Ren @ 8:11 pm

But I do know when I’ll be back. I’m leaving for The Netherlands for a fun filled 8 days with some great friends! Huzzah for vacations! I’ll be returning on August 12, but then heading off immediately to Ai-kon! The number one anime convention in Manitoba.

Click on the image for more info on Ai-Kon.

See you all in a couple of weeks!


3 Responses to “Leaving on a jet plane..”

  1. kawaii Says:

    Wow, sounds like fun! Have a great time while you’re away, Ren. :)

  2. Ren Says:

    Thanks! I’ll still be checking my email, so feel free to email me anytime!

  3. crimson Says:

    have fun!
    remember the pictors!

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